OBJEKT: shorts project has finished!

OBJEKT: shorts project has finished! The final event and award ceremony took place in frames of KinoFF Industry Day. The main prizes included screening three best films at Apollo Astri cinema (short films section „Memories of the past“), as well as unique KinoFF NFTs.

1st place: film “Every day” by Marina Hirv

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2nd place: “I want to die” by Alex Lev

KinoFF_Virtuality_Ontogenesis_Nadia Plyamko
3rd place: animation film” Virtuality Ontogenesis” by Nadiia Pliamko.

Congratulations to the winners!

OBJEKT: shorts in numbers:

Eventually all the participants are winners, because they gained new knowledge, skills, and got the chance to share their unique story with others.